My Book: “‘Trained Canids Formed the “Chupacabras” of 1996 in Mexico.’ ‘A Journalistic Account'”, either in English or Spanish is here!

It’s with great pleasure to present my book, either in English or in Spanish about my commented presentation of the newspaper clips saved my me from Jalisco and Colima in 1996, about the topic that was intriguing the whole of the Mexican population: The very stealthy attacks of a supposedly unknown, and never before or after captured: the “Chupacabras”, also called the “Goatsucker”:

Cover of my book on the “Goatsucker”, both in Spanish (Left) and in English (right).

What I conclude, after carefully analyzing, both my newspaper excerpts and of the TV news related to the topic, is that the culprits were trained and specially modified Canids to do the task. There were no printed on the newspapers, but in a magazine talking about Puerto Rico and on the TV, the footprints, I must call them, the Paw-prints, revealing the culprits:

Pages of my book showing the paw-prints of the Canid culprits, both from Mexico (Left), and Chile (Right).

Now, I call them Canids because they may include all the range of what is the group of dogs, from the wild dogs: Wolves, Coyotes, Dingoes, Jackals, etc., to the domestic ones, from diverse breeds, or crossbreeds with the wild ones, as all of them are fully compatible to produce fertile offspring. Another important characteristic left as the trademark of the culprits is the distinctive two holes of the fangs around diverse places of the neck (not in the jugular, as its miss-information claimed in order to supposedly bleed the whole animal, which was another lying “meme” regarding the “Chupacabras”), as to asphyxiate the victims (mostly sheep, such as ewes, and goats, plus the domestic fowl):

Here, you can see the fangs left on the neck of three sheep, and on the arm of the only human that was reportedly attacked, on the lower biceps; you can also see paw-prints of a domestic dog, as comparison with the ones left by the attackers.

From the common characteristics revealed by the witnesses we can see that the attackers did not bark, as multiple victims were animals in an attached place to the house, which means that those attackers were deliberately removed of their barking vocal cords, even when they were still able to growl and even to emit some sort of cry, as the witnesses declare. Other characteristic is that they seemed to have been trained to evade their capture, as well as to bear, some of them, the trademark of mange, both as the description of the fowl smell of them as by the rejection of other dogs of the houses where the victims were left, to even approach to those victims.

A lot of reasoning has been put on these studies and you can see preliminary or complementary links prepared by the author of this book at the next video links, which were the ones leading for the documentation presented in the book, as you can see articles and names of writers of multiple newspapers from Mexico, some of them no more in existence:

My more than 4 hours presentation in Spanish on the topic, with the related articles from the journals in view. Below are the part two and three as well as another informative tools used for the preparation of my book
Fernando Castro-Chavez, the author and presenter in the first part of the same presentation as the one given above (so, also given in Spanish), but with himself and his expressions in view.

So, if you are interested on discovering the truth, as presented by the news of the day, of this phenomenon, please, buy my thoroughly studied research, available at Amazon, both in English, for its print edition (to be opened in a new tab, with a “Look inside” option):

And its Kindle edition in English:

But also available in Spanish, both the whole book (to be opened in a new tab):

And the printed book in Spanish:

With my best for you,

Dr. Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD.

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